Victoria Square Compounding Pharmacy - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan

2345 10th Ave W, Prince Albert, SK, S6V 7V6
306-922-8959 – 306-763-6543

Contact Us at Victoria Square Pharmacy

If you are searching for a professional compounding pharmacy in the Prince Albert area, look to Victoria Square Pharmacy. We offer free delivery to all customers for their orders within city limits. For our customers’ convenience, we have a drive-through window, complete with a portable debit machine.

You can contact us by giving us a call, sending an email, visiting our location or filling out the electronic form featured on this page. We will respond promptly.

Victoria Square Pharmacy is a member of:

  • Health Outcome Pharmacies (HOP)
  • Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc. (PCCA)
  • Saskatchewan Pharmacists Association (SPHA)
  • Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA)
  • International Association of Compounding Pharmacists (IACP)
  • FLAVORx®